Have you ever wanted to have your application viewed by many people in different countries? This free article provides the steps and example commands to help guide you through the process of taking your Xojo program and making it available in the Microsoft Store that is available on all Windows 10 operating systems. Click the Read More: Build an AppX Installer for Microsoft Store with Xojo button below to learn more about this document and to download the article.
Xojo is a programming language that can create x86 programs that can be converted by the Universal Windows App DesktopAppConverter (DAC) program supplied by Microsoft. The condensed steps for submitting a Xojo executable to the store are:
- Register as an app developer
- Check the Windows OS version, and it should be greater than
- Install the UWP DesktopAppConverter (DAC)
- Install the appropriate Base Image File
- Install Visual C++ runtime for Desktop
- Install the Windows SDK
- Build the Xojo app with InnoSetup - (Only Version 1607)
- Build the Appx program with DesktopAppConverter
- Install the certificate
- Install the appx program - (This creates a local AppX installer)
- Update the icons and update the installer
- Submit to store
Many thanks to Michel Bujardet and David Cox who have programs in the store and have shared their experience with the installation process.
The free article for version 1607, Build 14393.447 can be downloaded here:GetAppInWindowsStore-v5
----- Version 1703 - 21 July 2017 -----
The free article for version 1703, Build 15063.483 can be downloaded here:GetAppInWindowsStore-v7
Updates to 1703:
- Updated to latest Windows OS as of 21 July 2017
- New directories for MakeAppx executable are added
- No external installer is needed, as DesktopAppConverter.exe does this for Xojo and subdirectories
- New icons and structure descriptions are included