microsoft excel logoExcel is well-known in the business world for spreadsheets and math. Did you know that 73-year old Tatsuo Horiuchi uses the autoshape tool to create very impressive artwork!

This book “I Wish I Knew How to … Program Excel with Xojo in Windows” goes into the numerous options of programming Excel.

This guide uses the power of Xojo in conjunction with the power of Excel. The question is frequently asked ‘why not just create the program in Excel?’

The answer is confidentiality, security, and automation. It is relatively common knowledge that program created in Excel are not secure and can be easily modified to view the original formulas for calculating results – no matter how much protection has been placed in the original program.

The ‘I Wish I Knew’ series contains technical data and advice that makes sense and contains practical and numerous examples with explanations to allow you to ease into the steep programming curve. You can create Microsoft Excel applications today!

Purchase the book! 


Click to download the Excel Xojo Table of Contents

There are over 10 chapters with more than 220 pages with over 90 example programs. The book is a live document and will likely have updates in the future.

Examples include graphing, pivot tables, speaking in Excel, printing pages, sorting, saving Excel files to PDF, and more. Many screenshots have been added to show the results of the code with a full index to help find topics quickly.The book is in PDF format with example chapter folders containing Xojo source code and running examples.

This ebook is a pdf formatted document and all examples include Xojo code. This is one of many books which can be purchased at Xojo Library.

Note: Microsoft Office must be installed for this to work.

ISBN: 978-0-9880947-8-9

New to Version 2.0 – July 2013

I have had overwhelming positive feedback from the Xojo group. This book has the previous examples from the book by the same author with the title: I Wish I Knew How to … Program Excel with Real Studio. All the examples have been updated to the new format and verified to work. More examples have been added

1) Updated examples to new Xojo format
2) Integrated instructions for the new GUI Xojo style
3) Update and expanded index to easier find commands
4) Over 10 built-in property values added (Example 5-1)
5) Identify Excel 2013 (Example 5-13)
6) Added new chapter on the Range command (Chapter 10)
  a. Select Data Range
  b. Select Data on another sheet
  c. Autofill
  d. Offset
  e. Named Range
  f. Delete
  g. Subtotal Grouping
  h. Multiple Subtotal Grouping

New to Version 2.1 – October 2014

1) Select and save picture as PDF (Example 10-9)
2) Save a picture as a jpg (Example 10-10)
3) Office plugin instructions
4) Add Pie Chart (Example 4-11)
5) Add ApplyDataLabels parameters and constants
6) Make a sheet active for editing
7) Testing for nil (NULL)
8) Closing all open workbooks (Example 2-8)
9) Reading a text date (Example 3-16)
10) Sorting multiple columns (Example 3-17)
11) Added Web Report example (Other-4)
12) Sort individual columns (Example 3-18)
13) Advanced Sorting (Example 3-19)

New to Version 2.2 - September 2015

1) Get Access data and put into Excel (Example 11-1)
2) Put lots of data quickly into Excel (Example 12-2)
3) Get lots of data from Excel and put into an array (Example 12-3)