Note: There is a different book for programing the latest Raspberry Pi 3 B+ hardware, post-Xojo 2018 r1 with the Stretch OS! This book is the older version for pre Xojo 2017 r3, Jessie OS, and pre-Pi 3B hardware.

RPi Mainx250You can do many things with the Raspberry Pi, and some have built a Star Trek interface, while others have automated their house. This book provides the building block to work with Xojo to react with the real world through its motherboard to allow you to make your own interesting device. This inexpensive computer can be programed by the widely recognized Xojo programming language. 

This book “I Wish I Knew How to … Program Raspberry Pi 2 B and Raspberry Pi 3 B Electronics with Xojo” goes into the numerous programs that can be built to interact with many types of electronic gadgets.

The ‘I Wish I Knew’ series contains technical data and advice that makes sense and contains practical and numerous examples with explanations to allow you to ease into the steep programming curve. There are many electronic examples and the book also has many references to the Jessie Linux Operating System that is used with the Raspberry Pi. 

*Uses wiringPi library

*Uses Xojo API1

You can start building your own electronic projects with Raspberry Pi today!

Purchase the book!


Click to download the Raspberry Pi Table of Contents, which has a listing of all of the examples in the book, many of the terms, and commands used in the operating system. 

This book works with Xojo 2017 r3 and earlier versions, with the Jessie Operating System, and the Raspberry Pi 2 B or Raspberry Pi 3 B hardware.

There are over 22 chapters with more than 450 pages with over 60 example programs. 

Examples include Ultrasonic distance, LCD words, graphics, and custom glyphs, infrared sensors, photo and video recording, servos, LEDs, infrared receivers, and more. Many screenshots have been added to show the results of the code with a full index to help find topics quickly. Examples include a circuit diagram or breakout board diagram to help with wiring the components on the Raspberry Pi. The book is in PDF format with example chapter folders containing Xojo source code and running examples.

It is assumed that you have an intermediate understanding of both electronics and programming of the Xojo language. 

This ebook is a pdf formatted document and all examples include Xojo code. This is one of many books which can be purchased at Xojo Library.

Note: A license is required to build the programs for Xojo - the demo version does not build programs.

ISBN: 978-1-927924-16-7

Version 1.2 – Released in July 2016

Update List in Version 1.2

  1. Updated labels on Example 6-6 servo breadboard layout
  2. Updated labels on Example 8-3 breadboard layout for resistor rotation
  3. Updated label on Example 9-1 breadboard layout with GPIO 4
  4. Added example 11-4 with Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera V2
  5. Updated labels on Example 13-1 breadboard layout
  6. Updated labels on Example 14-1 breadboard layout
  7. Updated labels on Example 14-3 breadboard layout
  8. Updated labels on Example 15-1 breadboard layout
  9. Updated labels on Example 17-1 breadboard layout
  10. Updated labels on Example 18-1 breadboard layout
  11. Updated labels on Example 18-2 breadboard layout
  12. All book examples were tested with the Raspberry Pi 3 B with Jessie OS and were compatible with the same tests on the Raspberry Pi 2 B
  13. Updated labels on Example 21-1 breadboard layout
  14. Added two simultaneous temperature I2C sensor readings example
  15. Added Example 21-3 for the I2C MCP4725 DAC
  16. Added Exampe 21-4 for the I2C MPL3115A2
  17. Updated Chapter 1 breakout board abbreviations, pins, and GPIO's
  18. Added Example 13-2 Maxsonar MB1010 Rangefinder
  19. Added Operating System upgrade command (Chapter 2)
  20. Added GPIO expansion output example for LED's (Example 23-1) MCP23017
  21. Added GPIO expansion digital input example (Example 23-2) MCP23017


Version 1.3 – Released in September 2016

Update List in Version 1.3

  1. Change I2C Baudrate in Chapter 21.
  2. Added WiringPi references to Index
  3. Add Cleanup old packages (autoclean) command (Chapter 2)
  4. Added the command to list installed programs (packages) in chapter 2
  5. Added purge command to remove program and configuration files in Chapter 2
  6. Read MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier Breakout v2.0 (Example 20-2)
  7. Get temperature from K-type thermocouple (Example 20-2)
  8. Added Quickstart instructions in Chapter 1
  9. Updated Pi SD card backup and restore commands for OSX (Chapter 2)